Gold Sponsor :

GECO Awards

Roland PETIT Prize

In memoriam Roland PETIT, founding member of GECO

The Study Group for Bone Surgery (1) decided in January 2000 to create a European Prize intended to reward a thesis in orthopedics or traumatology carried out by a young surgeon. The practical conditions are set out in the regulations.

This work in French must be original and personal and correspond to a Doctorate in Medicine thesis or an end-of-specialization dissertation, completed between 01/10/2023 and 30/11/2024.

This prize has a reward of 2025 euros for 2025. The GECO Prize is awarded during a session of the GECO Annual Extended Meeting, in January 2025.

This prize is awarded annually to the best thesis presented to a jury made up of permanent members of the GECO Board and an Honorary Chairman, a well-known figure in the scientific and medical world.

In accordance with the Prize’s regulations, three candidates from among the applicants are selected by the GECO Board members to compete in the presentation of their work to the congress delegates: they are invited to the GECO Congress to present their work.

GECO handles the logistics of the GECO Award and presents the candidates’ dossiers to the GECO Steering Committee.
The three best candidates selected will be invited to the extended GECO meeting in January 2025, where they will present their work to the congress participants, who will express their opinion by voting.

The jury will choose the winner of the GECO Award, taking into account the votes cast by delegates. The winner will be invited to the following year’s enlarged meeting, and will sit on the jury to choose the winner of the GECO Award.

(1) The Bone Surgery Study Group (GECO) was born more than 40 years ago and represents a successful example of an “Industry-Medicine” link. The GECO chooses the themes of its work in complete independence and organizes each year an extended meeting, a congress which combines high-level scientific work and oxygenation of its participants. All those who participated in one or other of these enlarged meetings will have been able to appreciate the quality of the old adage “mens sana in corpore sano”.

Thierry HERMANN scholarship

GECO has decided to create 2 scholarships to support the projects of 2 young orthopaedic surgeons wishing to spend a training or study period abroad. The required level is that of the clinician or final year of specialty training.

The first scholarship of €10,000 will be awarded for a 12-month study stay.
The second grant of €5,000 will be awarded for a 6-month study stay.
Applications must reach GECO headquarters by December 31 of each year.
Candidates must send their application to the GECO secretariat by e-mail in scanned form.

The file includes:

  1. Letter of motivation;
  2. Letter of recommendation from current department head;
  3. A complete curriculum vitae with titles and work;
  4. A letter of sponsorship from a member of the GECO Standing Committee (list on GECO website);
  5. Letter of acceptance from host department manager;
  6. A detailed plan of the stay in the chosen country, including the studies or work planned;
  7. A plan for financing the trip and stay (in addition to any grant awarded by GECO): other financing requested or obtained: remuneration from the institution, grants from other companies, other income…).

The files will be examined by the members of the board and submitted to the vote of the members of the standing committee at the GECO January congress.
The scholarships are subsidized by GECO’s Platinium partner United Orthopedic, who will take care of all the regulatory formalities.
The candidate undertakes to send a report on the work carried out during the trip to the GECO secretariat within 3 months of his/her return.
He/she must also present the results of this work at the GECO January congress following his/her return, and prepare the publication of the report within one year of the end of the trip, mentioning GECO funding.

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