GECO's aims
The GECO is a learned society, a local law association governed by the Alsace Moselle Law of April 19, 1908. It was founded on March 6, 1976 by a group of young surgeons.
- Sharing knowledge for better healthcare;
- Evaluating professional practices in orthopedic-traumatology;
- Training surgeons and paramedical professionals in current techniques;
- Publish completed work.
Friendship – Generosity – Sincerity – Scientific independence – Respect others – Conviviality.
Goals and objectives
- Improve the skills of its members;
- Bringing together orthopaedic surgeons and traumatologists and promoting exchanges between them;
- Share scientific knowledge with your industrial partner;
- Evaluate new orthopedic techniques and materials.
Financing – Volunteering – Time management.
Our organization
GECO is made up of:
- A Standing Committee made up of full members co-opted by the Board and the presidents of the specialty groups. Members of the Standing Committee (approx. 25 members):
- Participate in General Meetings with voting rights;
- Elect the Association Board;
- Organize and carry out scientific work.
- The Executive Committee elected by the Standing Committee, comprising 9 people responsible for:
- to administer the Association;
- coordinate its activities;
- publish and distribute information.
- Consultant members keen to support GECO through their interest and membership fees, enabling them to:
- obtain regular information on the Association’s activities via its website;
- be invited to take part in the Extended Annual Meeting ;
- be priority to make a presentation at this or other meetings;
- be priority to join one of GECO’s specialty groups.
- Supporting members. GECO has around 400 members.
The Expanded Meeting is held every year in a winter sports resort over 3 days.It currently brings together nearly 200 French and foreign practitioners. The program encourages discussion of GECO’s work and that of outside personalities, in the form of round tables, conferences and workshops presenting specific indications or results. It takes place in a convivial atmosphere of work and leisure, conducive to the exchange of ideas.
GECO has a permanent secretariat located at :
24 Rue de la Sinne
68100 Mulhouse - FRANCE
To contact GECO’s secretariat, you can also use the contact form on this site.
GECO's evolution
Since 1976, GECO members have remained true to their aim of enabling young surgeons to achieve their goals alongside their elders, by regularly co-opting new practitioners onto the Standing Committee.
Originally, GECO’s work was published in the form of specific monographs produced by its secretariat. This form of publication continued until 1991, when some thirty monographs were produced..
In 1999, GECO broadened its audience and areas of expertise by integrating several working groups that had been involved for several years in the design and development of certain cutting-edge surgical techniques, and in training practitioners and their environment in these techniques :
- AGREG – GRAAL : research and study Group about knee, ligamentoplasty, cartilages and menisci;
- FUTURA : Hip research and study Group;
- TALUS : Ankle and Foot surgery study Group;
- PRO BIOMATERIA : Bio-materials research Group;
- VENUS : Upper limb surgery study Group;
- S.A.C. : Focus Group on the spine.
GECO continues to evolve, as the learn society has decided to respond to the needs of junior orthopaedic surgeons as well.
Since 2001, GECO has organized a thesis prize, named the “Roland Petit Prize” in tribute to one of its founders. GECO felt it was necessary to promote the essential direction that evaluation represents for our profession. This thesis prize cannot be combined with a GECO scholarship.
Since 2019, two scholarships have also been awarded, named “Thierry Hermann scholarships”, after another founding member of GECO, scholarships that enable 2 young orthopaedic surgeons each year to finance their stays abroad.
Since 2019, GECO has also organized the GECO Young Orthopaedists Summer University, which offers a 2-day scientific program specifically designed for them.
Finally, in 2002, GECO developed its training activities and became a significant player in Continuing Medical Education (DPC, in French, Développement Professionnel Continu) in its field of expertise: traumatology and orthopedics. GECO regularly organizes training sessions and courses eligible for DPC.
The programs for these courses, organized by GECO’s specialty groups, are available on this website.
Executive Committee

President, Pro Biomateria Group

Group Relations

GECO's members

Honorary members


GECO's specialized groups

Knee Research and Study Group
President: Dr. J. VILLEMINOT (Haguenau)
Vice-Presidents: Pr. J-Y. JENNY (Haguenau) – Agreg ; Dr. H. LANTERNIER (St Nazaire) – Graal
Scientific Advisors (Agreg): Pr. D. MAINARD (Nancy), Dr. C. SCHWARTZ (Colmar), Pr. P. MERTL (Amiens), Dr J. HUMMER (Nancy)
Scientific Advisors (Graal): Dr. X. CLEMENT (St Nazaire), Pr. L. GALOIS (Nancy), Pr. Th. NERI (St Etienne), Dr. H. ROBERT (Château Gontier)
General Secretary: Pr. FX. GUNEPIN (Lorient) – Graal
Members: Dr. T. ALA EDDINE (Paris), Dr. Th. AUCOUTURIER (Colmar), Dr. N. HUMMER (Nancy), Dr. F. KELBERINE (Aix-en-Provence), Dr. P. LABRADA (Fort de France), Dr. R. LIMOZIN (Toulouse), Dr. N. POMMIER (Bordeaux), Dr. M. SÉVERYNS ( Les Sables d’Olonne), Dr. JP. VINCENT (Vannes)
Guests: Dr. V. LAFONTAN-CHANSEAU (Bordeaux), Dr. B. LEFEBVRE (Rouen), Dr. F. REMY (St Omer)

Hip Research and Study Group
President : Pr. P. MERTL (Amiens)
General Secretary: Dr. Th. AUCOUTURIER (Colmar)
Scientific Advisors: Dr. V. GAUDIOT (Nantes), Dr. P-B. REY (Belfort), Dr. C. SCHWARTZ (Colmar)
Members: F. DUBRANA (Brest), Dr. N. HAZAPARU (Haguenau), Dr. J. HUMMER (Nancy), Pr. J-Y. JENNY (Haguenau), Dr. C. LATERZA – LEROY (Compiègne), Pr. D. MAINARD (Nancy)
Guests: A. DESSEAUX (Brest), Dr. E. FURIOLI (Colmar)

Ankle and Foot Surgery Study Group
President: Dr. X. ROUSSIGNOL (Rouen)
Vice-President: Dr. O. LAFFENETRE (Bordeaux)
Scientific Directors: Dr. J. BELDAME (Dieppe) et Dr J. DILIGENT (Nancy)
Members: Dr. Ch. CERMOLACCE (Marseille), Dr. A. GHORBANI (Toulouse), Dr. M. LALEVEE (Rouen), Dr. Julien LUCAS (Bordeaux), Dr. W. MAC DOUGALL (Colmar), Pr. D. MAINARD (Nancy), Dr. E. RICHELME (Marseille), Pr. J-J. ROUVILLAIN (Fort de France), Dr. F. SALMERON (Perpignan), Dr. J. VERNOIS (Paris),
Guests: Maurise Saur, Linda Feras, Marion Dischino

Upper Limb Surgery Study Group
President et General Scientific Manager: Dr. A. VIDIL (La Seyne Sur Mer))
Vice-President et General Secretary: Dr. J. GARRET (Lyon)
General Secretary, shoulder: Dr Kevin BARGOIN (Nantes)
General Secretary, wrist-hand: Dr E. BEAUDOUIN (Chambéry)
General Secretary, elbow: Dr. J-J. AYEL (Toulouse)
Members: Dr. O. BOUGHEBRI (Paris), Dr. Th. CHAUVET (Nice), Dr. A. DEGHRAR (Soissons), Dr. F. GADEA (Toulon), Dr. J-M. GLASSON (Nice), Dr. J. GOUBAU (Bruges), Dr. A. GRAFTIAUX (Haguenau), Dr. R. GUINAND (Toulouse), Dr. J. KANY (Toulouse), Dr. Dr. L. LINO (Mougins), Dr. Omar NAJI (Lunel)
Guets: Dr. M. BURNIER (Villeurbanne)